How to say Hello in Uzbek, how to meet people in Uzbek, how to introduce yourself in Uzbek? Today we are going to read, listen, repeat and role-play dialogues when meeting people in a coffee shop in Uzbek. The lesson uses audio from Uzbek natives.
We are starting our conversational Uzbek lessons in English. The material which you will find here is the beginning of my textbook (or a teach-yourself one/ a tutorial) of Uzbek that I have already started writing.
I have studied a few Uzbek textbooks, most of which are correct in terms of grammar and vocabulary. Unfortunately, very few people can really learn Uzbek using them. What I propose below corrects, in my opinion, all the previous shortcomings. My textbook — at least, I think so — will really allow everyone to learn the Uzbek language.
This Uzbek language textbook is for adults and teenagers. For now, I plan to create its first part, after which you should reach a confident A1 level in Uzbek. And it won’t be difficult.
I understand that the task is, to put it mildly, ambitious. If someone is ready to offer their financial assistance, I will be glad (for example. subscription to the site and the site channel through Patreon: Everything that I do so far is done only on my enthusiasm and solely at the expense of my personal funds.
You can criticize the materials I give you. Ask your questions and share your suggestions in the comments below.
So let’s start.
Getting acquainted in a coffee shop (dialogues) in Uzbek
Exercise 1.
Read, listen, repeat, role-play and memorize the dialogues.
Dialogues in a coffee shop in Uzbek with translation
1) Bir stakan kofe, iltimos. — One cup of coffee, please.
Ismingiz nima? — What’s your name?
Sasha. — Sasha.
Dashamisiz? — Are you Dasha?
Yo’q, men Sashaman. — No, I’m Sasha.
Sasha. Xo’p. — Sasha. OK.
2) Violettamisiz? — Are you Violetta?
Yo’q. Men Sashaman. — No. I’m Sasha.
Uzr. — Sorry.
Sashamisiz? Sizning kofe. — Are you Sasha? Your coffee.
Rahmat. — Thank you.
3) Assalomu alaykum! Sashamisiz? — Hello. Are you Sasha?
Ha. Siz Alishersiz. — Yes. You are Alisher.
Ha. Tanishganimdan xursandman. — Yes. Nice to meet you.
Tanishganimdan xursandman. — Nice to meet you.
Bir daqiqa kuting. — Just a minute.
4) Salom. Bir stakan choy, iltimos. — Hello. One cup of tea, please.
Xo’p. Sizning ismingiz nima? — OK. What is your name?
Alisher. — Alisher.
Asalbek. Bir stakan choy. — Asalbek. One cup of tea.
Yo’q. Men Alisherman, Asalbek emasman. — No. I am Alisher, I’m not Asalbek.
How to say «Hello» in Uzbek and other Uzbek words and expressions when meeting people in a coffee shop
Hello! in Uzbek will be Assalomu alaykum!
Hi! in Uzbek will be Salom!
Exercise 2.
Words and expressions
Read, listen and by-heart these words and phrases. Also learn how to write them.
Salom. — Hi.
Assalomu alaykum! — Hello.
(Sizning) ismingiz nima? — What’s your name?
Tanishganimdan xursandman. — Nice to meet you.
Bir stakan kofe, iltimos. — One cup of coffee, please.
Bir stakan choy. — One cup of tea.
Ha. — Yes.
Yo’q. — No.
Xo’p. — OK.
Rahmat. — Thank you.
Uzr/ Kechirasiz. — Sorry.
Bir daqiqa kuting. — Just a minute.
The next lesson: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #2 Pronouns «men», «sen», «siz», sentences with and without them, with audio
Have you learned how to say Hello in Uzbek? How do you introduce yourself in Uzbek? How do you meet people in Uzbek? How do you order tea or coffee in Uzbek? Write in comments below.
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