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Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #16 In the classroom in Uzbek, with audio


What do we say in an Uzbek lesson? What do we say in Uzbek in class? What phrases are most used? What verbs? We’ll build simple dialogues (which will be useful not only in the classroom). In this lesson, as in others, audio is from native Uzbek speakers.

As usual, part of the lesson from my Uzbek language tutorial is available to everyone, and part is available to site donors. Also, only donors (it’s not expensive — from $3 per month) have access to the answers to the exercises from the previous lesson. So become those who support the site — the benefits are mutual.

Sinf tili (Classroom language, or what to say and understand in an Uzbek lesson)

Exercise 1.

Listen and repeat the phrases. Then cover the phrases, look at the pictures and say the phrases.

What does the student say in an Uzbek class? Talaba nima deydi?

Kechirasiz, men kechikdim.
Kechirasiz, men kechikdim.
Kechirasiz, o'zbek tilida "спасибо" qanday bo'ladi?
Kechirasiz, o’zbek tilida «спасибо» qanday bo’ladi?
(Men) bilmayman.
(Men) bilmayman.
(Men) tushunmayapman.
(Men) tushunmayapman.
Iltimos, takrorlang.
Iltimos, takrorlang.
Harflab ayting.
Harflab ayting.
Uzbek phrases in class-1

What does the teacher say in Uzbek class? O’qituvchi nima deydi?

Turinglar, iltimos.
Turinglar, iltimos.
Kitoblaringizni yopinglar.
Kitoblaringizni yopinglar.
Kitoblaringizni ochinglar.
Kitoblaringizni ochinglar.
9-sahifaga o'tinglar.
9-sahifaga o’tinglar.
Doskaga qaranglar, iltimos.
Doskaga qaranglar, iltimos.
Uzbek phrases in class-2

Exercise 2.

Complete the dialogues with the missing words. Then listen and check. In pairs, act out the dialogues.

1 O’qituvchi Kitoblaringizni 1____________, iltimos. 10-sahifaga 2_____________.

Talaba 3______________, iltimos.

O’qituvchi 10-sahifaga o’tinglar.

2 Talaba 4__________, «tug’ilgan kun» 5__________ yoziladi? (qanday harflab aytiladi?)

O’qituvchi T-U-G’-I-L-G-A-N K-U-N.

3 Talaba 6_________________, men kechikdim.

O’qituvchi Hechqisi yo’q (hammasi joyida). 7______________, iltimos.

Uzbek verbs which we learned in this lesson

demoq — say, tell, speak, talk
aytmoq — say, tell
kechikmoq — be late
bo’lmoq — be
bilmoq — know
tushunmoq — understand
takrorlamoq — repeat
o’tirmoq — sit, sit down, have a seat
turmoq — stand, stand up
yopmoq — close
ochmoq — open
o’tmoq — pass, go to
qaramoq — look at
yozmoq — write
yozilmoq — be written

Other Uzbek words

yana — once more, again
hechqisi yo’q — That’s OK.
hammasi joyida — That’s OK./ Everything is OK.

Exercise 3.

Listen and do the actions.

1) Turing.

Exercise 4.

Complete the classroom phrases with the words from the list.

Tushun Kechirasiz Kitoblaringizni o’tinglar Bil takrorlang O’tiring kechikdim oching Turinglar ayting qaranglar

1 Bilmayman.

2 Kitoblaringizni _______________. Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.

Exercise 5.

Look at the pictures. Complete the missing words in the sentences.

Talaba nima deydi?

Iltimos, takrorlang.
Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.

Answers to lesson #15 Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.

The previous lesson: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #15 Things in the classroom, with audio

The next lesson:

The first lesson from the Uzbek language tutorial by Marina Kozlova: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #1 Introduction, with audio

What do you say in class during your Uzbek language lesson? What does your teacher tell you in Uzbek? What don’t you understand? Write in the comments.

Do'stlaringizga ayting! Расскажи друзьям! Tell your friends!

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