In Lesson 13 from my Uzbek language tutorial, we listen and speak in Uzbek a lot. We understand by ear the difference between -dan and -da. We ask questions in Uzbek like “Where is he from?”, “Where is it?”, “Is he from Egypt?” and we also answer them in Uzbek. In the new lesson, as in others, there is audio from native Uzbek speakers.
As usual, part of the lesson from my Uzbek language tutorial is available to everyone, and part is available to site donors. Also, only donors (it’s not expensive — from $3 per month) have access to the answers to the exercises from the previous lesson. So become those who support the site — the benefits are mutual.
Let’s listen and speak in Uzbek
Exercise 1.
Listen and hear the difference between -dan and -da. Then practice saying these sentences.
1 a U Misrdanmi?
b U Misrdami?
2 a U Turkiyadan.
b U Turkiyada.
3 a U qayerdan?
b U qayerda?
4 a U yoqimli shahardan.
b U yoqimli shaharda.
5 a U buyuk mamlakatdan.
b U buyuk mamlakatda.
Exercise 2.
In Exercise 1, mark only what you hear.
Exercise 3.
Listen and write down 6 sentences and questions.
Exercise 4.
Look at the pictures. Ask and answer questions. Use phrases like this:
U qayerdan? U AQShdan.
U qayerda? U Turkiyada.
Menimcha, u …da.
Also learn: raqqosa — dancer
paxtakor — cotton-grower

Exercise 5.
Listen and check.
Exercise 6.
Test your partner. Point to a picture and ask him or her a question like this: Ikkinchi nomer. U Yaponiyadanmi? The expected response is something like this: Yo’q, u Yaponiyadan emas. U Xitoydan.
The previous lesson: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #12 The letters of the Uzbek alphabet u, y, я, ё, ю, with audio
The next lesson: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #14 The Uzbek alphabet, abbreviations, with audio
The first lesson from the Uzbek language tutorial by Marina Kozlova: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #1 Introduction, with audio
Answers to lesson #12Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.
Have you learned to understand by ear the difference between -dan and -da in Uzbek? What about asking questions in Uzbek like “Where is he from?”, “Where is it?”, “Is he from Egypt?” and answering them also in Uzbek?
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