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Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #9 Pronoun «u», “Where is he/she/it”, «Where is he/she/it from», with audio

U qayerdan? U qayerda?
U qayerdan? U qayerda?

Today we’ll learn the Uzbek pronoun «u». Also we’ll learn the formation of sentences — affirmative, negative and questions with the 3rd person singular, in cases where the predicate is expressed by a noun or adjective. Let’s bring this skill to automaticity.

And at the same time we’ll repeat the grammatical structures we have mastered earlier. Let’s repeat the names of countries in Uzbek, learn a few new words and phrases. And let’s practice a simple dialogue. We’ll translate many sentences from English, which we have studied, into Uzbek. In the new lesson, as in others, there is audio from native Uzbek speakers.

As usual, part of the lesson from my Uzbek language tutorial is available to everyone, and part is available to site donors. Also, only donors (it’s not expensive — from $3 per month) have access to the answers to the exercises from the previous lesson. So become those who support the site — the benefits are mutual.

U (he/ she/ it) and easy sentences with this pronoun

Exercise 1.

Aishvarya Rai Bachchan
Aishvarya Rai Bachchan
Burak Oʻzchivit
Burak Oʻzchivit

Listen to the conversation and write down the names of the countries in Uzbek.
A Voybo’y! Aishvarya Rai Bachchan!
B U qayerdan?
A U 1_________dan.
B Burak Oʻzchivit ham 2__________danmi?
A Yo’q, u 3_________dan.
B U (Burak Oʻzchivit) yaxshimi?
A Ha, juda yaxshi.

ham — also/ too
yaxshi — good
juda — very

Exercise 2.
Listen again and repeat. Learn the dialogue.

Exercise 3.
Practise the conversation in pairs.

Exercise 4.
Write «u» under the pictures.

_____ (he)
_____ (he)
_________ (she)
_________ (she)
________ (it)
________ (it)

Exercise 5.

WP DataTables

Exercise 6.
Listen and repeat the examples.

WP DataTables
WP DataTables
WP DataTables

U — he/ she/ it
The predicate affix is not added to the 3rd person singular. The pronoun «u» is often retained. Negation is formed using the word «emas». A question requiring a “Yes” or “No” answer is formed by adding the particle -mi.

The particle —mi isn’t added when there is a question word, for example, «nima» or «qayerda».
Ismingiz nima? — What’s your name?
U qayerdan? — Where’s he/ she/ it from?

The previous lesson: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #8 Countries, -dan and -da, with audio

The next lesson: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #10 Grammar — U, “Where is he/she/it”, «Where is he/she/it from» — ending

The first lesson from the Uzbek language tutorial by Marina Kozlova: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #1 Introduction, with audio

Hidden exercises

Completing them will allow you to master the topic to perfection. There are three of them in this lesson. They include: working with the affixes -da and -dan, translating the structures studied in recent lessons from English into Uzbek.

Exercise 7.
Insert U and the correct affixes -da (in) or -dan (from) in your answers.
A Abu Dabi qayerda?
B U Birlashgan Arab Amirliklarida.
1 A Anna qayerdan?
B ___ Germaniya___.Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.

Have you understood the difference between the affixes -da and -dan?

Exercise 8.
Translate affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences from English into Uzbek.
A Is Emmanuel from Russia (Rossiya)?
B No, he isn’t from Russia. He’s from France (Fransiya).
A Emmanuel Rossiyadanmi?
B Yo’q, (u) Rossiyadan emas. (U) Fransiyadan.
1 A Where’s Cairo (Qohira)? Is it in Egypt (Misr)?
B Yes, it’s in Egypt.Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.

Exercise 9.
Translate some more dialogues. If you want, where possible (for example, stylistically), use the short form.

shahar — city

buyuk — great

A Are you from the the United Arab Emirates (Birlashgan Arab Amirliklari)?
B No, I’m not from the the United Arab Emirates. I’m from Saudi Arabia (Saudiya Arabistoni).
A (Siz) Birlashgan Arab Amirliklaridanmisiz?
B Yo’q, (men) BAAdan emasman. (Men) Saudiya Arabistonidanman.Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.

Have you learned the Uzbek pronoun u (he/ she/ it)? How often do you use dialogues in Uzbek like “Where is he/she/it” or «Where is he/she/it from»? Share examples from your life in the comments.

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