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Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #8 Countries, -dan and -da, with audio

Mamlakatlar (Страны/ Countries)

Today we will learn the names of at least 15 countries in Uzbek (who knows what country Misr is?) We will also learn to ask where the person is from and answer the same question. We’ll learn to ask and answer where a city is located. Let’s also learn how to use the affixes -dan and -da. And how to say «I don’t know» and «I think/ In my opinion». In this lesson, as in others, there is audio from Uzbek natives.

As usual, part of the lesson from my Uzbek language tutorial is available to everyone, and part is available to site donors. Also, only donors (it’s not expensive — from $3 per month) have access to the answers to the exercises from the previous lesson. So become those who support the site — the benefits are mutual.

Mamlakatlar (Countries)

Exercise 1.
Where is this music from? Listen to the fragments and write the numbers from 1 to 5. One country has already been marked for you.

___ Turkiya 1 O’zbekiston ___ Angliya ___ Amerika ___ Xitoy

Exercise 2.
Listen again and check.

Exercise 3.
Mamlakatlar (Countries)
a Listen and repeat the names of the countries.

Amerika/ AQSh/ Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari - America/ The USA/ The United States of America
Amerika/ AQSh/ Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari — America/ The USA/ The United States of America
Angliya - England
Buyuk Britaniya (or Britaniya) - The United Kingdom
Angliya — England
Buyuk Britaniya (or Britaniya) — The United Kingdom
Birlashgan Arab Amirliklari (BAA) - The United Arab Emirates (The UAE)
Birlashgan Arab Amirliklari (BAA) — The United Arab Emirates (The UAE)
Fransiya - France
Fransiya — France
Germaniya (also Olmoniya) - Germany
Germaniya (also Olmoniya) — Germany
Hindiston - India
Hindiston — India
Janubiy Koreya (or Koreya) - South Korea
Janubiy Koreya (or Koreya) — South Korea
Misr - Egypt
Misr — Egypt
Rossiya - Russia
Rossiya - Russia
Saudiya Arabistoni - Saudi Arabia
Saudiya Arabistoni — Saudi Arabia
Turkiya - Turkey
Turkiya — Turkey
Ukraina - Ukraine
Ukraina — Ukraine
Xitoy - China
Xitoy — China
Yaponiya - Japan
Yaponiya — Japan
Oʻzbekiston - Uzbekistan
O'zbekiston Respublikasi - The Republic of Uzbekistan
Oʻzbekiston — Uzbekistan
O’zbekiston Respublikasi — The Republic of Uzbekistan

Countries neighboring Uzbekistan: Qozog’iston, Qirg’iziston, Tojikiston, Afg’oniston, Turkmaniston

The names of countries are written with a capital letter: Turkiya, not turkiya

-lar means plural

b Write the name of your country in Uzbek _________________________

Practise saying it in Uzbek.

d Cover the words. Look at the pictures. Say the countries in Uzbek.

Exercise 4.

Listen and repeat.
A Qayerdansiz? — Where are you from?
B Kiyevdanman. — I’m from Kyiv.
A Kiyev qayerda? — Where’s Kyiv?
B Ukrainada. — It’s in Ukraine.

Exercise 5.
Practise the conversation, using your city (shahar) and country (mamlakat).

Hidden exercises: Completing them will allow you to master the topic to perfection. There are four of them in this lesson. These include: an outline map, a crossword puzzle, a lot of conversational practice and strengthening the writing of countries in Uzbek. We also learn and consolidate how to say “in my opinion” and “I don’t know” in Uzbek.

Exercise 6.
a Look at the map. Write the names of the countries according to the numbers on the map.
Xitoy, Misr, Buyuk Britaniya, Turkiya, Ukraina, Rossiya, O’zbekiston, Saudiya Arabistoni, Fransiya, Hindiston


1Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.

gorizontal boʻyicha — across
vertikal boʻyicha — down

Exercise 8.
U qayerda? — Where is it?

Speaking practice. Ask and answer questions about cities and countries. Work in pairs. Use phrases like these:
A Istanbul qayerda? — Where’s Istanbul?
B Turkiyada. — In Turkey.
Menimcha Turkiyada. — I think (in my opinion), it’s in Turkey.
Bilmayman. — I don’t know.Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.

Exercise 9.

Complete the sentences by writing the country.
1 U Abu Dabidan. U BAAdan.

2 U Parijdan. U Fr__________dan.Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.

The previous lesson: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #7 Days of the week, how to say goodbye, with audio

The next lesson: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #9 Pronoun «u», “Where is he/she/it”, «Where is he/she/it from», with audio

The first lesson from the Uzbek language tutorial by Marina Kozlova: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #1 Introduction, with audio

Answers to lesson #7Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.

What countries can you name and write in Uzbek? Were there any funny things? Share in the comments.

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