Days of the week in Uzbek and phrases you use to say goodbye, including, for example, “See you on Friday” or “See you tomorrow” are the topic of our lesson today. It, like others, contains audio from Uzbek natives.
As usual, part of the lesson from my Uzbek language tutorial is available to everyone, and part is available to site donors. Also, only donors (it’s not expensive — from $3 per month) have access to the answers to the exercises from the previous lesson. So become those who support the site — the benefits are mutual.
Hafta kunlari (Days of the week)
dushanba — Monday
seshanba — Tuesday
chorshanba — Wednesday
payshanba — Thursday
juma — Friday
shanba — Saturday
yakshanba — Sunday
Unlike English, in Uzbek the days of the week are written with a small letter.
Exercise 1.
Listen and repeat the days of the week.
Exercise 2.
Write the days of the week.
bugun = _______________
ertaga = _______________
uikend = _______________ va __________________
bugun — today
ertaga — tomorrow
kun — day
hafta — week
Exercise 3.
Say the days of the week from Monday (dushanba) to Sunday (yakshanba) from memory. Answer the question: O’zbek tili darslaringiz qaysi kunlari? — What days are your Uzbek classes?
An example: Dushanba, chorshanba va juma kunlari.
qaysi — какой
Bugun qaysi kun? — What day is it today?
Bugun chorshanba. — Today is Wednesday.
Ertaga qaysi kun? — What day is it tomorrow?
Ertaga payshanba. — Tomorrow is Thursday.
To say on what day of the week something will happen, we generally do NOT add the affix -da (sometimes we do)). The translation of «on Thursday» would be «payshanba kuni», where -i is the third person singular affix.
Qaysi kuni? — when, on what day
Exercise 4.
Write the next day of the week.
1 shanba yakshanba dushanbaВам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.
Exercise 5.
Answer the questions about you with complete sentences.
1 Ismingiz nima?
_______________________Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.
Exercise 6.
Find words for numbers 0 to 10 and days of the week.Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor. Write these words.
0 nol
1 _____________Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.
Hafta kunlari
s____________Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.
Consolidate your knowledge. Work together. One of you says a number from 0 to 10 or a day of the week. The second one says the next number or the next day of the week. Then you switch roles. For example:
ikki → uch
seshanba → chorshanba
yetti → sakkiz
Xayrlashuv (Saying goodbye)
Exercise 7.
Listen and repeat.
Exercise 8.
Say goodbye in Uzbek in different ways. For example: Xayr. Ertaga ko’rishguncha.
Exercise 9.
Listen and repeat the words and phrases.
Xayr. — Bye./ Goodbye.
Xayr. Ko‘rishguncha. — Bye. See you.
Juma kuni ko’rishguncha. — See you on Friday.
Ertaga ko’rishguncha. — See you tomorrow.
Salomat bo’ling! — Goodbye!/ Have a nice day. (Verbatim:: Be healthy!)
Exercise 10.
Complete the conversations with a word or phrase from the list.
Ismingiz nima? Rahmat. Tanishganimdan xursandman. Ikki stakan kofe, iltimos. Uzr. Ertaga ko’rishguncha.
1 A Ikki stakan kofe, iltimos.
B Xo’p. Bir daqiqa kuting.Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.
Answers to lesson #6Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.
The previous lesson: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #6 Letters Ss, Oo, O’o’, automaticity in introduction, with audio
The next lesson: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #8 Countries, -dan and -da, with audio
The first lesson from the Uzbek language tutorial by Marina Kozlova: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #1 Introduction, with audio
Have you already learned the days of the week in Uzbek? Do you know how to say goodbye in Uzbek?