Today we’ll master the pronoun u, affixes -da and -dan and the names of countries in the Uzbek language. Let’s build a lot of affirmative and negative sentences and questions. Let’s act out short dialogues.
As usual, part of the lesson from my Uzbek language tutorial is available to everyone, and part is available to site donors. Also, only donors (it’s not expensive — from $3 per month) have access to the answers to the exercises from the previous lesson. So become those who support the site — the benefits are mutual.
U, “Where is he/she/it”, «Where is he/she/it from» (ending)
Exercise 1.
Fill in the missing words in the dialogues. Then act out the dialogues with a partner.

A Tom Cruise 1 qayerdan? U Buyuk Britaniya 2______?
B Yo’q, u Buyuk Britaniyadan 3 _____.
A U AQSh 4______________?
B Ha, u AQSh 5____.
A AQShning qayeridan? Vashingtondanmi?
B Yo’q, u Vashington 6____ ____________ . U Syracuse 7_____.

A Shilpildoq 1 _________? O’zbekiston 2______?
B Ha, u O’zbekiston 3________.
A U Xorazm 4________?
B Yo’q, u Xorazm 5_______ ________. U Farg’ona 6___.(a shilpildoq recipe from me)

A Uzma ham O’zbekiston 7___________?
B Yo’q, u O’zbekiston 8___ _________ . Uzma Ukraina 9________!

A Priyanka Chopra 1____________? U Janubiy Koreya 2_____?
B Yo’q, 3_____ ____________ _____________ ___________.
A U Hindiston 4__________?
B Ha, 5_____ __________________.
A Hindistonning qayeridan? U Yangi Dehli 6_________?
B Yo’q, u Yangi Dehli 7____ ______________. U Jamshedpur 8_______.
Hidden exercises
Completing them (there are 4 exercises hidden in this lesson) will allow you to master the topic perfectly, bringing affirmative, negative sentences and questions with the affixes -da and -dan to automaticity. We will also bring our knowledge of 15 countries in Uzbek to automaticity.
Exercise 2.
Complete the sentences by inserting U and -dan or -da.
1 U Amerika Qo’shma Shtatlaridan.

2 U Xitoydan.

3 ____ Fransiya____.Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.
Exercise 3.
Complete the affirmative, negative sentences and questions.
1 A Tim Janubiy Koreyadanmi?
B Yo’q, u Janubiy Koreyadan emas. U AQSh____.Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.
Exercise 4.
Write questions. Then write your answers using the information in brackets.
1 Johnny Depp / AQSh (v Owensboro)
Johnny Depp AQShdanmi?
Ha, u AQShdan. U Owensborodan.
2 Kobe / Xitoy (x Yaponiya)
Kobe Xitoydami?
Yo’q, u Xitoyda emas. U Yaponiyada.
3 Yulduz Usmonova / O’zbekiston (v Farg’ona)Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.
Exercise 5.
Answer three questions about you.
Siz O’zbekistondanmisiz?
__________________________Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.
The previous lesson: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #9 Pronoun «u», “Where is he/she/it”, «Where is he/she/it from», with audio
The next lesson: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #11 “I don’t know” and other useful words and phrases, with audio
The first lesson from the Uzbek language tutorial by Marina Kozlova: Uzbek lessons (tutorial): #1 Introduction, with audio
Answers to lesson #9Вам надо стать донором. You need to become a donor.
Have you learned how to use the Uzbek pronoun u and the affixes -da and -dan? Do you know the names of countries in Uzbek?
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