Ответы на вторые вопросы в экзаменационных билетах по английскому языку 2023 года для девятиклассников Узбекистана вы найдете ниже (ответы на первые вопросы здесь, а на третьи здесь). В этом материале есть ответы на все вторые вопросы билетов, но две трети из них доступны только для доноров (подписчиков) сайта. Стать подписчиком — легко и не дорого. Ниже вы найдете ссылку, как это сделать.
В английском, полагаю, я могу быть экспертом. Все-таки на протяжении почти 30 лет работала англоязычным журналистом для известнейших мировых СМИ (The Associated Press, United Press International, World Politics Review), и, кроме того, выдержки из моих статей рассылались людям, изучающим английский.
А пока вторые вопросы билетов по английскому. Погнали! Ответы выделены жирным и наклонным.
2.Read the paragraph and answer the questions.
Advertisements want to persuade us to buy particular products. Advertisers study how people learn so that they can ‘teach’ them to respond to their advertising. They want us to be interested, to try something, and then to do it again. These are the elements of learning: interest, experience and repetition. If an advert can achieve this, it is successful. If an advert works well, the same technique
can be used to advertise different things.
- What is the main purpose of advertisements?
- Do you think advertisements are persuading?
- The main purpose of advertisements is to persuade us to buy particular products.
- Yes, I do. Because people often buy things they don’t need if they are advertised well.
2.Read the paragraph and answer the questions.
We all know a good film when we see it. It has a great story, excellent photography and wonderful acting. But what makes a good movie into a big hit? This is a question that filmmakers are always asking themselves! Of course, there is no perfect answer. However, movie companies have a few tricks which help make their films become as successful as possible.
- How do you think? (Неудачный вопрос, но составители билетов суют его здесь постоянно)
- What kind of qualities should a successful film have? Why?
В тексте задания есть явная ошибка. Первое предложение следует перевести так: «Мы все знаем некий хороший фильм, когда (у)видим его.» Ерунда. Явно хотели сказать, что мы можем определить, хорош ли фильм в момент просмотра, но не смогли правильно перевести на английский (над вопросами работали аж пять человек — ужас!) Все равно ответим на вопросы.
- I agree that a good film must have a great story, excellent photography and wonderful acting.
- A successful film must have the same qualities as well as good advertising and promotions. Otherwise, people may overlook it.
2.Read the paragraph and answer the questions.
Most of us live in an apartment or in a house. Our homes often look similar to our neighbors’ ones from the outside, but on the inside, they can be very different. Most of us like our homes to be cozy and comfortable, but we have very different ideas about what that means. Some people like to have bright colors and lots of furniture, others prefer a cool, modern-looking home.
- What do you prefer?
- Apartment or House? Why?
- Describe your dream house.
- I prefer to live in an apartment because it’s cheaper and easier to clean.
- But my dream house is big with a lot of spacious rooms and modern furniture in them. I’d like to have a lot of money so that I can hire cleaners.
2.Read the paragraph and answer the questions.
We talk to other people and give our opinions every day. Maybe you talk about what to do after school with your friends, or about plans for the weekend with your family. It’s important to give your opinions, but it is also important to listen to other people’s opinions and think about the best option.
- How good are you at listening?
- Do you usually accept other people’s opinions or make them follow
you? Why?
- I’m good at listening.
- But I usually make other people follow me because I always feel that I know better what to do.
2.Read the paragraph and tell your opinion. Answer the questions.
In international tests of math, science and reading, students in Finland do well. This is good news! But when you look more carefully at the schools, it’s not easy to explain. Finnish students don’t start school until they are seven years old. The school day is short, about five hours, and there are only three or four classes a day. Students don’t have much homework and there are no exams. So, why don’t they do badly in tests? Perhaps something else can explain it.
- Do you think all Finnish students study well?
- What can be the success factor?
- I don’t think all Finnish students study well.
- A success factor for most Finnish students can be their happy life.
2.Read the paragraph and answer the questions.
There are many NGOs working in the world. They work to improve all areas of life – health, environment, education, mass media, promoting small businesses, and so on. Some of them work to raise awareness about the problem of drugs, the effects of drugs and how to treat them. They organize different types of seminars. Some NGOs organize a number of national youth camps with many interesting and educational programs for young people. Some NGOs raise money to build or improve something.
- How do you think about the NGOs?
- Are they important? What kind of NGOs are there in Uzbekistan?
- Would you like to work for NGOs?
- I think some NGOs are useful but some are useless.
- Most NGOs are important, however. I don’t know much about NGOs here in Uzbekistan — I’ve just read about the National Association of Electronic Mass Media of Uzbekistan. As far as I remember it was not much of use.
- I don’t want to work for NGOs because it’s very difficult to raise money.
2.Read the paragraph and answer the question.
If there are little children in your life, explain to them that life isn’t always easy for kids around the world and that not all children have toys to play with or enough food to eat. Talk to them about how they can help to make a difference for kids in need and try to become a positive role model in their lives. Educate the kids in your life. Help them to learn life skills.
- In what ways can you educate kids?
- I can help kids learn life skills and be a positive role model in their lives.
2.Read the paragraph and answer the question.
What is a tradition? Probably, traditions are a way of defining who people are. Traditions are something that people keep doing for a long time and join different generations together. That’s why traditions are very important in any country. We celebrate birthdays, holidays and traditional wedding ceremonies. The family meal is another tradition that we should try to keep up in our everyday lives. Family meals reflect country’s culture and traditions.
- How do you think? Why traditions are important? (Ошибка! В школах учат классическому английскому, где «are» должно стоять перед «traditions»)
- Because traditions are a way of defining who people are. They also join different generations together.
2.Read the paragraph and answer the questions.
Mass media is communication through a collection of different media technologies that is important for a large number of people. Print media gives information in physical objects, such as books, comics, magazines or newspapers. Mass media may take the form of broadcast media, as television and radio. Mass media serves to get and share information. But one should pay attention to certain things while using mass media. Not all mass media are reliable and news can be fake.
- What is mass media used for?
- Why should you be careful while using it?
(Кошмар, в тексте для обсуждения масса ошибок, помимо спорного содержания. Media — существительное во множественном числе.)
- First of all, mass media should control authorities through getting and sharing information about their activities.
- You should be extremely careful if media are controlled by governments because such media share information which is in their interest and hardly in the public interest.
2.Read the paragraph and tell your opinion. Answer the questions.
My special memory is from when I was three years old. We were staying with my grandparents at their house in the country. They lived in an old wooden house. I remember the house was always cold and it was near a forest. When it was time for bed, Grandma took me upstairs to read me a story. On my bed there was a lovely wool blanket. It was really colorful. I remember touching it and it was so, so soft. ‘It’s yours. I made it for you,’ my grandma said. I still have the blanket on my bed at home. It looks really small there, but I remember when I was younger it seemed so big!
- Do you have this kind of special memory?
- When was it? Who was there with you?
- Why is it so special for you?
- Yes, I do.
- I was ten years old. I was with my grandma.
- She said I would be an adult but I would not be able to become a child again. She was right.
Далее — вторые вопросы в билетах 1- 10 и 21-30 — доступны по подписке донорам моего сайта. Стать донором и подписаться — не трудно и не дорого (если что-то не будет получаться, напишите мне на kozlovayepuz@gmail.com и я вам помогу). По той же подписке вы сможете получить и ответы на остальные вопросы по английскому языку для школьников 9 и 11 классов. И много-много другого полезного материала.
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