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Ответы на билеты по английскому для 11-классников 2023 года (1-е вопросы)

Билеты по английскому языку для выпускников 11-х классов 2023 года
Билеты по английскому языку для выпускников 11-х классов 2023 года

Ниже вы найдете мои ответы на 1-ые вопросы из всех билетов по английскому языку для 11-классников Узбекистана, по которым пройдут экзамены в 2023 году. Ответы на вторые вопросы здесь.

На всякий случай напоминаю, что на протяжении почти 30 лет я работала англоязычным журналистом для известнейших мировых СМИ (The Associated Press, United Press International, World Politics Review), и, кроме того, выдержки из моих статей рассылались людям, изучающим английский. Поэтому во всем, что касается английского языка, могу считаться экспертом.

Итоговый экзамен по английскому языку или другому иностранному языку для выпускников 11 классов общеобразовательных школ Узбекистана обязательный и будет проводиться в письменной и устной форме. Материалы для экзамена состоят из 30 карточек, или билетов, с письменными и устными заданиями, каждая карточка содержит два задания – одно письменное и одно устное. Учащимся дается 30 минут на выполнение письменного задания на основе полученной карточки и до 10 минут на подготовку к устному заданию, т.е. всего 40 минут.

Для классов и школ с углубленным изучением английского языка на основании решения школьного методического совета будет дано одно дополнительное устное задание, и на подготовку будет выделено дополнительно 10 минут.

При выполнении письменного задания учащийся должен письменно выразить свое мнение и отношение по заданной теме или ситуации. Оценивается соблюдение учащимся правил письменной речи, соответствие содержания теме, умение использовать ряд словесных и грамматических форм, использование связных организационных моделей, эффективное использование условностей коммуникативного задания. При оценке письменного задания учитывается логическая связь идей, критическое и творческое мышление учащегося, умение изложить его на английском языке.

Длина текста должна быть около 80 (для оценки 5 — не менее 80) слов. Число допустимых ошибок варьируется в зависимости от оценки — например, для пятерки допускается до 1–3 не повторяющихся морфологических, синтаксических и орфографических ошибок, которые не мешают пониманию содержания.

В устном задании учащийся должен свободно высказать свое мнение по заданной теме на английском языке. При оценке ответов учащегося учитываются поддержание последовательного грамматического и фонетического контроля над языком, гибкость в формулировании мыслей, способность создавать связный дискурс, беглость речи, использование организационных моделей, произношение и интонация. При выражении мыслей, если два и более раза в одном и том же предложении неправильно употребляются словосочетания, наблюдаются грамматические и
фонетические ошибки, то это предложение не засчитывается. Если учащийся не может полностью ответить на вопросы карточки, учитель может задать учащемуся дополнительные вопросы по теме.

Если в отношении письменного задания даны ориентиры длины текста, то в отношении устного, увы, не сообщается, сколько минут должен говорить учащийся, как это обязательно оговаривается в требованиях к другим языковым экзаменам.

Ответ на каждый вопрос дается на основании карточки и оценивается по 5-балльной системе. Например, если за письменное задание выставлено 3 балла, а за устное – 5 баллов, баллы суммируются, и итоговым баллом учащегося будет средний балл. 3+5=8 и 8:2=4 балла.

Мои ответы на первые вопросы билетов с 1 по 20 доступны только донорам сайта (стать донором и подписаться — не трудно и не дорого, кроме того, по той же подписке вы можете получить и ответы на остальные вопросы по английскому языку для школьников 9 и 11 классов и много другого полезного материала). Ответы на первые вопросы билетов 21-30 доступны для всех.

Чтобы стать донором сайта, подпишитесь на Patreon или станьте им указанным ниже способом. Кстати, на Патреоне сгруппированы все ответы по номерам билетов.

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  1. Some people think school uniform is necessary while other do not support this idea. Write about your opinion. Do you think school uniform is necessary? Why/Why not? What are advantages and disadvantages of wearing school uniform?

I don’t think school uniform is necessary because it limits our freedom of expression and creativity. I like to choose my own clothes and show my personality through them. I think school uniform is boring and makes everyone look the same. I also think school uniform can be expensive and uncomfortable, especially if it doesn’t fit well or if it’s too hot or cold.

Some advantages of wearing school uniform are that it can make us feel more united and equal as students, and that it can reduce distractions and peer pressure related to fashion trends. Some disadvantages of wearing school uniform are that it can suppress our individuality and diversity, and that it can cause resentment and rebellion among students who don’t like it.


  1. Most people think internet forums are good places to get advice. Do you think so? Why/Why not?
    Write about advantages and disadvantages of getting advice from internet forums.

Internet forums are online platforms where people can share their opinions, experiences, and knowledge on various topics. Some people think that internet forums are good places to get advice, while others disagree. I think that internet forums have both advantages and disadvantages as sources of advice.

One advantage of internet forums is that they offer a wide range of perspectives and insights from different people. You can learn from other people’s stories, tips, and suggestions, and compare them with your own situation. You can also get feedback and support from other users who may have similar problems or goals as you. Internet forums can also help you find information that may not be easily available elsewhere, such as niche topics, personal opinions, or alternative solutions.

However, internet forums also have some drawbacks as sources of advice. One disadvantage is that the quality and reliability of the information may vary a lot depending on the forum and the user. Some users may give inaccurate, outdated, or biased information that may not suit your needs or preferences. Some users may also have ulterior motives, such as promoting a product or service, or trolling for fun. Another disadvantage is that internet forums may not provide enough context or details for your specific situation. You may not be able to verify the credibility or expertise of the users who give you advice, or ask them follow-up questions. Internet forums may also expose you to negative or harmful comments from other users who may disagree with you or judge you.

Therefore, I think that internet forums are good places to get advice only if you use them with caution and critical thinking. You should always check the source and validity of the information you get from internet forums, and compare it with other sources of advice, such as experts, professionals, or trusted friends and family. You should also be respectful and polite when interacting with other users on internet forums, and avoid engaging in arguments or conflicts that may harm your mental health or well-being.


  1. Some people prefer going to markets for shopping. Others like doing online shopping. Write about shopping. Which one do you prefer most? Why? What are advantages and disadvantages of shopping online?

I like shopping online more than going to markets. It’s so convenient and easy to find what I want. I can shop anytime and anywhere, and compare prices and reviews from different sellers. Online shopping also gives me access to products that are not available in my area or country.

But online shopping has some disadvantages too. Sometimes I have to pay extra for shipping and delivery, and wait longer to receive my order. I also can’t touch or try the products before buying them, so I might get disappointed if they don’t match the description or my expectations. And there’s always a risk of fraud or scams when shopping online, so I have to be careful about which websites I use and how I pay.

Shopping is a personal choice, and everyone has their own preferences and reasons. Some people enjoy going to markets and seeing the products in person, while others prefer the convenience and variety of online shopping. There’s no right or wrong answer, as long as you shop wisely and responsibly.


  1. Write about school rules. What rules do you disagree with at your school? What would you change at your school?
    Support your ideas with relevant examples.

I think school rules are important, but some of them are too strict or unfair. For example, I disagree with the rule that we have to wear uniforms every day. I think uniforms are boring and limit our creativity and expression. I would change this rule and allow students to wear their own clothes, as long as they are appropriate and respectful.

Another rule I disagree with is the no-phone policy. I understand that phones can be distracting in class, but they can also be useful for learning and communication. I would change this rule and allow students to use their phones for educational purposes, such as researching, taking notes, or using apps like Prodigy or SplashLearn. I think this would make learning more fun and engaging.

A third rule I disagree with is the homework policy. I think homework is too much and takes away from our free time and hobbies. I would change this rule and reduce the amount of homework we get, or make it optional. I think this would help us balance our academic and personal lives better.

These are some of the school rules I disagree with and what I would change at my school. I think these changes would make school more enjoyable and meaningful for me and my classmates. I support my ideas with relevant examples from my own experience and from online sources.


  1. Your friend asked for your favorite meal and how to cook it. Write about your favorite meal. Why do you like it?
    Explain how to cook it.

My favorite meal is spaghetti carbonara. I love it because it’s creamy, cheesy and comforting. It’s also easy to make and doesn’t require many ingredients. Here’s how I cook it:

  • Boil a large pot of salted water and cook the spaghetti according to the package directions. Drain and return to the pot.
  • In a small bowl, whisk together four eggs and a cup of grated Parmesan cheese. Season with salt and pepper.
  • In a large skillet over medium-high heat, cook six slices of bacon (or anything like it if you don’t eat pork) until crisp. Transfer to a paper towel-lined plate and chop into small pieces.
  • Reduce the heat to low and add three cloves of minced garlic to the same skillet. Cook for about a minute, stirring constantly, until fragrant.
  • Add the egg and cheese mixture to the spaghetti and toss well to coat. The heat from the pasta will cook the eggs and create a creamy sauce.
  • Stir in the bacon (or anything like it) and some chopped parsley. Serve with more cheese if desired.


  1. You are going to apply for a foreign university. Write a formal email to the admission committee asking about application procedure.
    Request about programs, required documents, deadlines, scholarship opportunities and etc.

Dear Admission Committee,

I am writing to express my interest in applying for a master’s degree at your prestigious university. I have recently graduated from XYZ University with a bachelor’s degree in ABC and I would like to pursue further studies in the field of DEF.

I have visited your website and I am impressed by the quality and diversity of your programs. However, I have some questions regarding the application procedure and I would appreciate your guidance.

First, what are the specific requirements for applying to the program of DEF? Do I need to take any standardized tests or submit any additional documents besides my transcripts and recommendation letters?

Second, what are the deadlines for submitting the application materials and when can I expect to hear back from you regarding the admission decision?

Third, are there any scholarship opportunities or financial aid available for international students like me? If so, how can I apply for them and what are the eligibility criteria?

I am very eager to join your academic community and learn from your distinguished faculty and peers. I believe that studying at your university will help me achieve my academic and professional goals.

Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Your name


  1. Would it be a good idea to have separate days off every week, instead of a weekend? Why/Why not? Write about your opinion.
    Support your argument.

I think it would be a good idea to have separate days off every week, instead of a weekend. Here’s why:

First of all, having separate days off would give me more flexibility to plan my personal and professional life. I could schedule appointments, errands, or hobbies on different days, depending on my availability and preference. I wouldn’t have to cram everything into two consecutive days or take time off from work.

Secondly, having separate days off would reduce the stress and pressure of working five days in a row. I would have more opportunities to rest, recharge, and enjoy my leisure time. I wouldn’t feel burned out or exhausted by Friday, or dread Monday morning.

Thirdly, having separate days off would benefit my productivity and performance at work. I would be more focused, motivated, and creative when I’m working, because I would have regular breaks to refresh my mind and energy. I would also avoid the peak traffic, crowds, and prices that usually happen on weekends.

Of course, there are some drawbacks to having separate days off, such as missing out on social events, family gatherings, or travel opportunities that usually happen on weekends. But I think these can be overcome by communicating with my friends, relatives, and coworkers, and finding alternative ways to stay in touch and have fun.

In conclusion, I believe that having separate days off every week would be a good idea for me and for many others. It would allow me to balance my work and life better, improve my well-being and performance, and avoid the disadvantages of having a weekend.


  1. Write about advantages and disadvantages of using social networks. In what ways social network can be useful/harmful?
    Support your ideas with examples.

Social networks are websites or apps that allow people to connect with each other online. They have many advantages and disadvantages for users. Some of the advantages are:

  • They help people stay in touch with their friends and family, no matter where they are in the world.
  • They provide instant communication tools, such as chat, video call, and voice message.
  • They enable people to share their opinions, interests, hobbies, and experiences with others who have similar tastes.
  • They offer opportunities for business owners and professionals to promote their products, services, and brands to a large audience.
  • They can be fun and entertaining, as people can watch videos, play games, listen to music, and join groups.

Some of the disadvantages are:

  • They can expose people to cyberbullying, harassment, and hate speech from strangers or acquaintances.
  • They can distract people from their work, studies, or other responsibilities, as they spend too much time scrolling through feeds or posting updates.
  • They can affect people’s mental health and self-esteem, as they compare themselves to others or feel pressured to conform to social norms.
  • They can pose privacy and security risks, as people share personal information or click on malicious links that can compromise their accounts or devices.
  • They can spread misinformation and fake news, as people share unverified or biased sources without checking their credibility.

Social networks can be useful or harmful depending on how people use them. They can help people connect with others who share their values and goals, or they can isolate them from real-life interactions and relationships. They can inform people about current events and important issues, or they can mislead them with false or misleading information. They can enrich people’s lives with new experiences and opportunities, or they can harm them with negative influences and consequences. Therefore, users should be aware of the pros and cons of social networking and use them wisely and responsibly.


  1. You are going to sell something online. Write an announcement about the thing you would like to sell. What is it? Why are you selling it? Why do you think others should buy it?

Hey everyone, I have something awesome to sell online. It’s a brand new electric guitar that I bought last month but never got around to playing. It’s still in mint condition, with no scratches or dents. It has a beautiful red color and a smooth maple neck. It sounds amazing and it’s perfect for beginners or experts alike.

I’m selling it because I realized I don’t have enough time or passion to learn guitar. I have other hobbies that I enjoy more, and I don’t want this guitar to just sit in my closet and collect dust. I think it deserves a better home, where someone will appreciate it and play it every day.

You should buy this guitar because it’s a great deal. I’m only asking for 3 million soums, which is way less than what I paid for it. Plus, I’ll throw in a free gig bag, a tuner, a strap, and some picks. You won’t find a better offer anywhere else. This guitar is a steal!

If you’re interested, please message me as soon as possible. I’m sure this guitar will sell fast, so don’t miss this opportunity. Trust me, you won’t regret it!


  1. Write a brief personal statement about yourself. How would you describe yourself? Who and what motivated you? What helped you achieve the things you have now?

I am a creative and curious person who loves to explore new things and learn from different perspectives. I have always been interested in art, music, and literature, and I enjoy expressing myself through these mediums. I am also passionate about social justice and environmental issues, and I want to make a positive impact on the world.

My motivation comes from my family, friends, and mentors who have supported me throughout my life. They have taught me the values of hard work, kindness, and honesty, and they have encouraged me to pursue my dreams. They have also challenged me to grow as a person and to overcome obstacles.

One of the things that helped me achieve what I have now is my education. I was fortunate enough to attend a good school where I received a quality education and met inspiring teachers and peers. I learned a lot from them and gained valuable skills and knowledge that prepared me for my future endeavors.

I am proud of what I have accomplished so far, but I also know that there is still much more to learn and do. I am always open to new opportunities and challenges that will help me grow and improve myself. I hope to continue exploring my passions and interests, and to contribute to society in a meaningful way.

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