На экзаменах по английскому языку в 5-х классах школ Узбекистана в 2021 году предусматривались 30 билетов с 2 вопросами в каждом. Вторые вопросы в каждом билете подразумевали устный рассказ на заданную тему. Первые же вопросы были письменными и предполагали проверку знаний грамматики и лексики, которые ученики должны были освоить к этому времени.
Первые вопросы были в основном трех типов и требовали:
- завершить предложения;
- поставить слова в правильном порядке;
- выбрать правильный вариант.
Рассмотрим их подробнее.
Complete the sentence (Завершите предложение)
Таких заданий было 12 из 30.
- What _ you do yesterday?
What did you do yesterday? - I work _ the bank. I am a secretary.
I work at the bank. I am a secretary. - Lucy is the __ (young) in her family.
Lucy is the youngest in her family.

- Where did you go yesterday? I _ to the museum.
Where did you go yesterday? I went to the museum. - Jane’s father __ (work) at the bank.
Jane’s father works at the bank. - English children have lessons __ Saturday.
English children have lessons on Saturday. - My friend’s toy is bigger __ my toy.
My friend’s toy is bigger than my toy. - We _ (visit) to Khiva last summer and (see) many historical places.
We went (поставить visit c последующим предлогом to — грубейшая ошибка, если хотите оставить visited, то уберите to) to Khiva last summer and saw many historical places. - The children _ (play) yesterday and _ (have) lunch late.
The children played yesterday and had lunch late. - I like domestic animals but my friend _ them.
I like domestic animals but my friend doesn’t like/ hates them. - My mother’s brother is my __.
My mother’s brother is my uncle.

- I want to be a __, because I like helping sick people.
I want to be a doctor, because I like helping sick people.
Put the words in the right order (Поставьте слова в правильном порядке)
Таких заданий семь.
- four/are/in/people/our/There/family.
There are four people in our family. - football/hobbies/are/My/chess/friend’s/and
My friend’s hobbies are football and chess. - speaks/friends /She/to/English/her.
She speaks English to her friends. - brother/than/yours/My/is/taller?
Is my brother taller than yours?

- maths/because/I/it/like/is/difficult/don’t
I don’t like maths because it is difficult. - in/the/What/does/do/bathroom/he?
What does he do in the bathroom? - Germany/pupils/In/lessons/in/morning/have/the
Pupils in Germany have lessons in the morning.
Choose the correct form (Выберите правильную форму)
Таких заданий тоже семь.
- We must/mustn’t play with matches because they are dangerous.
- We mustn’t play with matches because they are dangerous.

- I play football in/at the evening.
I play football in the evening. - Pupils must/mustn’t play football in the classroom.
Pupils mustn’t play football in the classroom. - There is a canteen at/in the school.
There is a canteen at the school. - There is/are a lot of television films about wildlife.
There are a lot of television films about wildlife. - Dogs bark (loud/loudly). Cows moo _ (noisily/noisy)
Dogs bark loudly. Cows moo noisily. - I feel __ (sad/sadly) because weather is not good.
I feel sad because (перед weather здесь нужен определенный артикль, но в задании его почему-то нет) weather is not good.
Другие задания
Четыре задания не входят в вышеперечисленные группы.
- Say the plural forms of the following words (Скажите форму множественного числа следующих слов). Fish, canary, wolf, man, goose, pupil, sheep.
fish — fish, canary — canaries, wolf — wolves, man — men, goose — geese, pupil — pupils, sheep — sheep. - Put the correct word (Поставьте правильное слово). Cow-calf, cat-kitten, dog- __.
Cow-calf, cat-kitten, dog- puppy. - Find the odd word (Найдите неподходящее слово). Cow, cat, dog, tiger, horse.
tiger - Answer the question (Ответьте на вопрос). What do rabbits like eating?
They like eating grass.

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